How to choose the right solution for your site safety needs

Kei S.

Ensuring site safety is more than just a legal and ethical requirement; it’s also essential to operational efficiency. So how do you choose the right solution for your site safety needs? Do you stick with traditional methods? Maybe customising SWMS or job hazard analysis templates found online? Or do your safety observations reveal bigger opportunities to improve processes and safety on site?

There are simply too many gaps that need solutions – but how do you find the right one that will give you the most value and meet your safety requirements?

Safety in the workplace is everyone’s responsibility. But the reality is that employers are most accountable for the safety of their team and site visitors. So why not make it easy for them?

Here are the top 3 tips on how to choose the right solution for site safety: 

1. Understand your site safety needs

Before choosing a site safety solution, assess your safety requirements and identify the regulations and standards you need to follow. For example, in high-risk environments like construction sites, safety inductions and start work briefings will likely be key parts of your health and safety programme.

You need to ensure that your site safety measures can help you evaluate potential hazards and review how safety procedures are managed and reported. This requirement alone is making paper-based forms obsolete. Embracing new technologies in your organisation allows you to get ahead of your safety precautions and obligations at all your sites.

Did you know EVA Check-in has geofencing technology, check-in automation, and real-time evacuation roll calls? These are only some of the advanced features that await you with EVA. In short, EVA takes something complicated and makes it simple.


2. Assess efficiency and reporting

Efficient and effective reporting is a must in 2024, so if you currently have paper-based protocols around site safety, it’s worth considering an upgrade. It’s all about making it easy for you, your team, contractors, and those visiting your site. You can’t 100% rely on people to do their part – unless you make it easy for them. When the process is efficient and optimised, they’re more inclined to use the tools you’ve provided to help them perform your safety procedures. This way, you increase site safety and gain access to data you’ll need for reports and audits.

Did you know that EVA Check-in has both real-time and historical data reporting? With EVA, you’ll have access to reports such as the activity log, process and form submission logs, sign-off forms, audit logs, evacuations, and more.

Read next: How EVA Check-in makes it easier to keep your site documents current and accessible to all.


3. Analyse cost vs value

When evaluating cost, consider value. It’s not just about the upfront expenditure – you need to understand how the investment translates into long term benefits.

Site sign-in software with flexible capabilities can be a key asset to your operations. It makes it easy for your team to stay on top of your safety protocols and simplifies the task of maintaining compliance with safety regulations.

As your business grows, your safety needs evolve and implementing a versatile site safety software can scale with you. It can adapt to increasing numbers of contractors, staff, and visitors while also being a sustainable solution, providing long term value.

EVA Check-in might be exactly what you’re looking for. Need more convincing? Check out our case studies or see it inaction by booking a demo.

EVA Check-in kiosk evacuation

Choosing a solution that’s right for you is crucial to ensuring efficient and safe sites. By enabling your team with a tool that is flexible to all your unique site safety needs, you can tailor your approach to meet regulatory requirements and effectively manage hazards.

Technology-driven solutions like EVA Check-in can significantly enhance efficiency and reporting, making it easier for everyone involved to adhere to safety protocols and demonstrate compliance.

Ultimately, prioritising a well-rounded approach to site safety will not only safeguard your team and visitors but also contribute to the overall success and growth of your operations.

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