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Run effective health and safety orientations

Give everyone the information they need to keep themselves safe on-site.

Get a demo

     Quick set up. No credit card needed.

Brief contractors and visitors

Send pre-arrival questions via email or SMS to pre-screen staff, visitors and contractors before they step on site.

Validate contractors have the correct licence to operate safely and in compliance with the relevant rules on your site.

Support H&S compliance

Set up welcome processes so visitors can confirm NDAs, complete H&S inductions and view evacuation plans. Display detailed induction information on sites with more hazards.

Self-report incidents and hazards

Visitors and contractors self-report hazards and incidents, with photos attached, using our app. No need to extend other licenses.

Monitor access to hazardous or limited access areas by creating specific check-in zones.

EVA Check-in
Office - Please follow evacuation precedure
EVA Check-in
Building A - Hazard Warning
EVA Check-in
Office - Please follow evacuation procedure

Evacuation management

Evacuate everyone on-site quickly and safely.

Meeting best practice, wardens account for all visitors, contractors and staff individually, and in real-time using the EVA Check-in evacuation tools.  Available on mobile, or in the portal or kiosk.

Retain a record of drills and evacuations to meet Health and Safety legislation.

Information when needed

Display H&S information on check-in and make key documents accessible via QR code scan or app.

Check-in everyone

Tailored messaging for the different groups on site - staff, contractors, visitors.

Capacity management

Set visitor maximums by site, and get alerts when the maximum is reached. 

Enforce supervision requirements

Alert a supervisor if unattended workers remain onsite.

Health, safety & orientation features

Site documents
Site documents

Give everyone access to your essential site documents

Emergency expert
Emergency expert

Easily account for all people on-site in an evacuation

Incident reporting
Incident reporting

Self-reporting of incidents and hazards

Automations and alerts
Automations and alerts

Get notified of check-ins, set up automatic check-outs

Monitor capacity
Monitor capacity

Set a site’s visitor capacity and get alerts when it’s reached

On-site Alerts
On-site Alerts

Send in-app and sms messages to everyone on-site


Flexible management of all your spaces

Custom processes
Custom processes

Set up check-in workflows to suit your needs

Mobile apps
Mobile apps

Free Android and iOS apps for faster, easier check-ins


Collect all the info you need from your visitors, ahead of time

QR code check-in
QR code check-in

Scan on a poster or tablet for fast, contactless check-in, anywhere